Monday, July 7, 2014

PiYo Challenge, Day 1: Align

Here is a vlog for y'all (and myself!)

Just a little review of Align.

Sorry the sound is really crappy. I'll try to fix that for the next time!


Until next time....

Let me introduce myself...

Hello Blog World,

I'm Lyndsay.

I'm a 30 year old, married, SAHM of 2 boys.

My cowboy and rancher husband, kids, 4 cows, 1 pig, 1 chicken, a dog and I live on 5.5 acres in the great state o fTexas.

I'm not totally new to the blog world but have been out of practice for quite a while so I decided to just start fresh with a brand new blog (that hopefully I can keep up with for longer than a few weeks! Keep me accountable, people!).

I've decided to start blogging again because I'd like a place to talk about a Beachbody workout challenge I just started today (and probably some other random musings here and there)! Have you heard of PiYo? It's a new workout that incorporates Pilates and Yoga (PiYo, get it?!). It is by Chalean Johnson and it's pretty awesome so far.

Today was the first day and the "workout" was called 'Align.' I say "workout" only because it was more like an introductory to the basic moves that will be used in the upcoming workouts. After watching and doing the 45 minutes of practice, I was already starting to sweat! I can tell this is going to be good :)

So if you're interested in PiYo or random musings of a boy mom who married a good ol' country boy, I hope you stick around!

I'm hoping to post videos, pictures, stories of my progress with PiYo and Shakeology in the future, so come back and look for those :)

Until next time...
